I have what I like to refer to as a Time Thing. If I have to be at work by noon, I'll wake up at 9:30 am. My hours are planned in increments, split into quarters and timed by halves.
This is how my morning rituals are planned:
5 minutes: Stare blearily at buzzing iphone, check text messages, exhale irritably at the spam for viagra discounts in my inbox.
5 minutes: Turn on Mac, open the last episode of Friends I was watching, let load.
15 minutes: Wash face with Cetaphil Gentle skin cleanser, wrench contacts from sci-fi looking contact holders, rub a pin sized dot of glossing cream through hair, pull said hair into ponytail, head back towards bedroom.
15 - 20 minutes: Moisturize, apply light coat of tinted moisturizer (or foundation, depending on mood) with Mac #187 small stippling brush followed by a bit of Mac Creme blush in Lady creme with Stila #21 double duty cheek brush. Pulls hair from ponytail, finger combs it, dot on latest favorite lip product, done.
Will take an extra 5 minutes to do eye make-up if resembling Death. If not, a brush of mascara will do.
20 minutes: Breakfast usually consisting of oatmeal or cereal while snorting dorkishly at the Friends episode that was loaded earlier.
10 minutes: Getting dressed. I have a classic wardrobe and a good physique maintained by calorie control and healthy foods. This is the easier part of my routine, the only downside is when my jeans look yucky from the snow.
5 minutes: Ensuring that phone, wallet, keys, gum, lip balm, hand cream (compulsory in Canadian winter) are all at hand before departing through the door.
20 minutes: Walking to campus. Despite the fact that I can see campus from my house, it's unfortunate that all my job / classes are situated in the middle of campus. Factor in the snow and poorly routed walk ways, it takes 20 minutes for me to walk to school.
After composing this list, I can only conclude that all watches must be taken away from me in order to preserve my sanity.