I thought I would comply since:
1) My objects are aesthetically adorable
2) I'm running out of ideas but enjoy blogging
Only after I finished taking the pictures did I realize that all my things look like cartoon caricatures and that I had forgotten to take a picture of my actual bag.
In my defense, it is a "What's in your bag meme"
1) My iphone
Known to many of my friends as my most beloved object and my heart and soul. Back off, get your own sammich.
2) My "loose" objects
I usually dump these in the front of my pocket so I can easily reapply or smell when I'm freaking out. This is Korres' Pommegranate lip glaze (such a pretty color, it's like the color of your lips after you've been kissed) and Clean's Shower Fresh rollerball (because I'm too cheap to spent $100 on the actual bottle), which I roll on every morning on the Go train because it's some kind of a cathartic experience.
3) My stack of keychains with one key on it
I'm a hoarder of cute keychains. I collect them like a crazy cat lady. I have two Coach ones that I've collected through the years (and the reason why I get those annoying emails), a little crystal dude and a stack of silver bunnies purchased by my mom in Beijing. The emblems of London were given to me from my lovely Nida when she visited there last year.
My dad and the boy are missing from my memoirs. I suggest they get on it.
4) My cupcake "coin purse" and my Hello Kitty wallet
I don't use it the coin purse for coins. I use it for stuff like ID card, debits cards and Go Transit passes (I have a 10 ride for McMaster and a monthly for Union). My big Hello Kitty envelope wallet is heavy with unused pennies so I leave it in the office and venture out with the coin purse for lunch.
4) My make-up bag
I have a love for all things "bear like". In my past life, I was probably a Carebear.
5) My make-up
Face: No foundation lately because I'm too lazy and have good skin. I usually just blend Benefit's Boi-ing #1 (light) and #2 (medium) and swipe it over any uneven areas.
Eyes: I don't wear eye make-up but if I look tired, I use Benefit's Eye Bright. Works like a light-diffusing charm!
Cheeks: I've been favoring Tarte's Amazonian Clay blush in Tipsy lately. If you're a make-up aficionado, you can click on the last picture and see how pretty the color is. It's a beautiful coral color that brightens up your face.
I swipe it on with a Mac travel sized angle brush. Usually there's no need for reapplication but I bring it along anyway.
Moisturizer: Clarin's Beauty Flash. I've been using this for years because it's awesome and makes me look like I've actually slept well.
After reading over this list, I've deduced that I need to stop wasting my life in Sephora.