- My good ol' Apple charger finally died out (I had it for 3 years). It was all very very sad but now I have a shiny new one. It's completely pristine but I predict 4 - 5 weeks before the wires start turning gray.
- I spent two solid afternoons in Second Cup studying for Public Relations. Out of the 8 hours I was there for, I probably studied a total of 3 hours. I still think I did quite well so fingers crossed.
- Ah, I am reading again. Granted, the only ebooks I have are Bridget Jones and Waiter Rant but it's a good start. I really need to learn how to torrent properly.
- I bought a little jewelry box for my H&M things from the Dollaaaa store (Asian haven). Now I get to stare at costume type jewelry and feel the itching gaze of that H&M owl pendent. I'm far too lazy to coordinate jewelry these days. I have a new affection for scarfs though.
- I went to Bean Bar with my friend Lavi last week. The soup of the day was chicken, veggies and rice in tomato soup with vodka. It was amazing. Their cornbread makes me *_*.
I also had a cobb salad, which was very fresh but lack of avocados made me slightly bitter.
- Random things I purchased from a Shoppers sale: Eco friendly highlighters, a Harajuku Girls notebook (Got it for $3) and a Harajuku Girls pencil case ($2). I deem them as economical purchases since I use these frequently.
- I cleaned my room! I always go through phases where I become Pig Pen from Charlie Brown but as soon as hell week is are over, I suddenly realize that I'm living in filth and spend hours cleaning. I will be pathologically clean until Hell Week 2.0.
- I went shopping this weekend! Shall do a separate blog post on shopping items later.
I don't use Torrents to read ebooks... I download EPUB files from any number of EPUB and PDF downloading websites. The Napster of books is still on th web, the book people don't have nearly as much money as the music people to shut them down yet. Also, you can borrow ebooks from the Hamilton library from the Hamilon library website! Its fantastic! Up to 21 day loans.