Saturday, November 19, 2011

60 Random Things in my Room: Part 2

I have to say, part 1 was surprisingly (I'm pleasantly shocked, to be honest :p) popular so I've done Part 2 in between some thesis work (god help my soul).

60 random things in my room: Part 2

13) Desert Essence 100% pure Jojoba Oil - I found this on the side of my desk, I use this on days where some areas of my body feel really really dry. It's super slick and absorbs very easily. I've only used it on my face once and it made me look like I fell face first into a pool of oil. These days, I use it to moisturize dry patches and sometimes around my eyes because I'm paranoid about premature wrinkles.

Now, do you pronounce it like Jahoba or Yahoba?

14) Sudocreme - Ah yes. Diaper rash cream, very glam. You open up the tub and there's this thick cream there that smells like clean babies (god, that sounds creepy). You can use this on any itchy or inflamed areas. I use it like a heal-all ointment. If you came to me with a severe gouge on your body, I would probably slap a pound of Sudocreme on it and tell you that everything is going to be okay tomorrow.

15) Fobby asian make-up bags - I got these at a place in Square One called Animal World (Yes, I am a worldly and elegant woman). They used to hold various kitchy little things but they got dirty very fast. Now they sit in the corner looking sad because I don't clean them pathologically anymore.

16) Menji Chalk - Hmmm. Why do I have chalk in my room? Oh yes, I used to have these decorative stickers in my room with writable surfaces but they kept falling down so I ended up throwing them away. I'm thinking of getting a blackboard in my room so I can actually use these one day. Knowing me, it'll just be covered with multi colored swirls and whorls as opposed to real due dates.

17) Snoopy decorative wardrobe box - One of my elementary school chums gave this to me for Christmas when I was 11. It's always followed me around because I adore everything Snoopy. I've tried putting things inside of it but the doors don't lock so things end up falling out. Nowadays, I just slap my highlighters on top of it. If I don't, they get eaten by a Black Hole and I'll have to buy new ones (again).

18) Hello Kitty Toothbrush pen - Yes, I know. This exists and I paid real money for it. It's self explanatory, really. You pull off the brush head and there's a pen underneath it. I don't use it (mainly because of shame) but it's just so cute O_O

19) Cetaphil Eczema moisturizer - When I was growing up, I used to have eczema on the bottom half of my legs. It's pretty much gone now but I'm still super careful with moisturizing that area. If I use perfumed creams, the area where the eczema patches used to be will get irritated. Cetaphil really helps. If anyone has / had eczema and needs a good moisturizer, this is the best. Seriously!

20) Moroccan Oil - I like this but I keep forgetting to use it. When I see it on my desk, I remember it and go "Oh right, I paid too much for that. I should really use it today"

21) Korres Lip Butter in Pomegranate - I love Korres. This is my holy grail lip product, will repurchase it forever. I also have the same color in a pot form but I found it unsanitary so I purchased the tube version. I sound like a huge germaphobe but honestly, I'm not that bad.
I slack on vacuuming like everyone else.

22) Bic Luminere Candle Lighter - So I've recently rekindled (ahahaHAHAHhahah. Oh, I'm precious) my love of candles. The only issue I had was that the lighter kept burning my finger tips when the candle wick drooped. This is much much easier to use.

Also, bonus: It's pink.

23) My external hard drive - My mother is an engineer so she has a million of these things lying around. This one is 250 GB, which is nothing in comparison to the TBs that are out there. I don't really have that much stuff. This one just houses my music, movie and tv collection. I really like the leather case, my mom found it at a garage sale and bought it for $1.
Asian parents are so economical!

24) Aleve Sample packs - looks like I'm a bit of a pain relieve junkie. I'm not, I've only taken about 3 tylenols and two Aleve in my entire life. I had to siphon tylenol pills off The Boy when I got sick. The campus doctor gave 12 sample packs to me after he told me my muscles had seized up and taking these will help my breathing. They only worked the first time. I took one a few days ago and it made me feel nauseous. Anyway, I don't believe in taking these things but I will keep them in my room for when I really need it.

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